Saturday, July 18, 2009

Urgh, the Difference

The Difference between being a nasty pig and being Nasty, just plain nasty are many.
Naughty is more of my territory but,
I have met all kinds and many think that being nasty is appealing.
Free Will, Freedom of Expression and Myself, all adjust to this belief.

I have a handsome, very handsome friend,
who refuses to wear deodorant.
Thinks it's more manly,

So is eating what you killed with your bare hands in the subway on Wednesday Rush-hour.

FRESH is always appealing, Stale, Stank and Stinky are just that.
Three dwarfs who did not make the cut.

Here is a sample,
Met this fellow online,,
Seemed fine for a rather desperate moment,
was with a friend, seemed fine also.
That changed as the friend was convinced that the sight of his
unwashed, un-clean ass hole, protruding in the air as he blasted long,
bladder farts after being fisted was a sign that he was
and he kept staring at me from between my knees asking
" Am I a nasty pig", "I think I am a nasty pig" , " Am I the Nasty Pig"........
and on and on and on and on and still farting on.....

Until, I caught the final stomach working smell from him and said
" NO, you are just NASTY"

Needless to say being a gent,
I left ..

I still get messages from the host,
such as...

would be honored to service
you in any way you see fit.
I can't forget the day you
were in my apartment
and my ex-friend sucked
your dick and he thought
he was a great pig.
you and I knew differently.
I wish I had had the chance
to show you my phenomenal
oral skills and after sucking on
your amazing cock for a few hours
I would gladly throw my bubble ass
in the air and let you mount me and
fuck me like the dog that I am.
anytime. I think you are so sexy in
such an interesting way. I want to be
one of the sex pigs you have scattered
across the city so you can get serviced
whenever you want. well,
I'm available anytime you want.

xxxx on west xxth st.


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